The Idiot

I find it fascinating how the fool is drawn to light and water. I wonder what it means.
Here he is looking at himself in the water before drowning in it. Something is haunting about it. Why did the Judge save him? What happens to the fool at the end?
Here is a link to the discussion about the fool's affinity to water and fire.
This book is a minefield of intriguing scenes. Cormac McCarthy's work... so many things to play with. It's like a playground for my brain. I have over 50 pages done just drawing stuff from this book.
water is important in the story. I like how Judge shot the kid's reflection in the puddle and not the kid himself.
The idiot looks at his own reflection in the water.
There's a lot of reflecting.
also likes fire
So uh, here's more water.
hidden in the darkness of the garden
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