About Me

Hi. I am ceruleus0. I was born to a pentecostal family in the US. I left the sect at the age of 18 and travelled in the Northwest for a living, working all sorts of jobs. I was going to be a chemical biologist but sort of ended up in the mechanical route instead. At the moment I am settled in Nevada working as an engineer. I draw and write when I make the time. When I come home, I do stuff like this. Yeah, draw Blood Meridian as anime/cartoon haha.

I was drawing stuff from Blood Meridian since I was a teenager. I first started with just Judge Holden, Glanton, and the kid. Then I got the itch and decided to put something together, why not. I was like "lol why am i making this", I wasn't very good at drawing when I started, but I had a lot of fun. Hope you enjoyed it too.

Other work

I've done a couple comics including The Golem, a story of a young scientist during the Third Reich who builds a metal golem to protect his people, and Mechanika, which is about an android soldier torn in a war between man and machine and learning what it means to be human with free will. They are some of my proudest work.

Some themes in my work include the use and abuse of technology, heroism, personal choice, and the pursuit of freedom in the midst of extreme brutality. I love contrast, I find putting different styles and themes together very exciting. I think that is why I was so drawn to not only Blood Meridian but also other works of Cormac McCarthy such as The Road, Suttree, and the Border trilogy. My other favorite authors include Fyodor Dostoevsky, Madeleine L'Engle, and Eli Wiesel. There are still a lot of beautiful and haunting stories asking to be written.

Finished pieces and works in progress:

The Golem:

Mechanika - The battle between flesh and metal: The brilliant but naive scientist Dr. Benjamin Kiba is forced to create weapons for the war industry after the Android Eve surpasses the Turing test. He gives all of his prototypes a conscience circuit in hope that they cannot be exploited by evil. However, giving machine the ability to choose goes awry and that is where the story starts.
The story may include machines and the main theme may be the abuse of technology and sentient weapons, but underneath it all, it is about people. The themes explore caste systems, greed, misinformation, and the inexplicable evil that we can come up with. Yet, this story is ultimately a celebration of the human spirit and our ability to rise above in the midst of darkness.

Lucifer Invoked: Lucifer was God's right hand who did all the dirty work, and he is framed and cast to hell as a punishment for giving humanity the "fruit of the angels". During the age of the New Babylon, the pleas of the people summon the fallen angel to come to their aid. Lucifer returns to the surface possessing an android body to fight their tyrant, Archangel Michael.
This is an acid western involving rock n roll, robots, bar fights, musings about choice and freedom, and a hysterical twist on the biblical apocalypse. With his axe guitar, the aid of the four horsemen, and the faith of the people, can our prometheus save humanity once more?

The Journey to Antares: Suzi wakes up at the police station after being chased by her violent father, and is told that she has the choice of returning home, or taking the chance to relocate. Accompanied by a mysterious young man, she aboards the ____, a ship that ferries gently in a quiet ocean of darkness. A softspoken series about a child's journey towards her new family in a distant land called Antares.

To The Heavens With You: A coming of age story of the 14 year old baseball player, Jesse, as he follows his mentor and former ___ Mark to "the heavens" where they must defend Earth from the extraterrestrial assault by the ____. About __, laying down one's life for fellow comrades, and saying farewell to loved ones. Based on the deep friendship between my friend and his maternal grandfather, who was a doctor and a holocaust survivor.

Endless Spring: The bildungsroman of the pseudonymous "Jack" who was smuggled into the United States and is constantly haunted by the lost family and friends of his past. He struggles towards a better life and rebuilds a ragtag family in the dystopian America as the Sixty Year War rages on.

Behind Concrete Walls: A teenage boy looks for his baby sister, and falls into a world more dangerous and strange than he expected.

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